Selenium NUnit Extent Framework

Dhirendra Kumar Jha
2 min readJul 4, 2020


A basic framework which is created using the below tools —
1. Selenium WebDriver
2. NUnit
3. ExtentReports
4. DotNet (C#)

Clone the project from location — SeleniumNUnitExtentFramework and import into the Visual Studio.
Now you are ready to execute the sample test and get the reports.

Configuration Used in Framework
1. Used Class Library (.Net Framework) project

2. Used following NuGet packages in the same order as mentioned below
System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager 4.7.0
3. Framework Folder Structure —

4. Test Execution Configuration — Need to update Parameters in App.config
<add key=”url” value=”" />
<add key=”browser” value=”Chrome” />
<add key=”PROJECTNAME” value=”Web Automation” />
<add key=”REPORTNAME” value=”Web Automation” />
<add key=”REPORTSERVER” value=”false” />

5. Test Scripts Execution — Make sure that drivers executable (Chrome, Gecko, Edge) should available in Lib folder —

6. Test Execution Reports (Available under Reports Folder)—

Test Wise Details
Tag Wise Details

You can find the video of this demo at location — FrameworkVideo



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